Our Research
Our Research

At UConn, our faculty, staff, and students are dedicated to learning more about the world around them through research. That’s what makes us one of the nation’s top public universities.
Collaborative research is carried out across UConn’s schools, colleges, research centers, and institutes. UConn Stamford boasts several research based learning opportunities that focus on building community in a diverse city environment and beyond.
The Family Resilience and Mindfulness Empowerment (FRAME) Lab seeks to leverage knowledge on the continuity and change in the development of human and family resiliency to design, evaluate, and implement mindfulness-informed family-based interventions to empower families and prevent mental disorders.
An important line of research in the Lab is focused on parenthood, as parenting is filled with numerous doings which can support or hinder a child’s healthy development. In stressful circumstances, being mindful and compassionate helps parents to drop into their moment-to-moment experiences and be in touch with their true selves and their child’s true self.